Color Rendering Index (CRI)

Color Rendering Index or CRI is a measure commonly used in the LED lighting industry. In general terms, the Color Rendering Index measures the ability of a light source to accurately reveal the colors of objects in comparison to natural light. CRI is measured on a simple 0-100 scale, the higher the CRI, the better the light source will render color. Therefore, an ideal light source will have a high CRI preferably above 80. 

Why is it important?

Color Rendering Index is vital in applications where consumers are viewing or interacting with physical products. For example, a grocery store with inefficient and low CRI fluorescent fixtures will make produce look drab and unappealing. By switching these bulbs to efficient and high CRI LED Lighting Fixtures, the produce color will pop and attract consumers. A European supermarket utilized LED spotlighting and color LED uplighting to increase stopping power by 15% which lead to an overall sales increase of 6%. On top of this, LED lighting can greatly increase the energy efficiency of your location. Our customers have seen lighting cost reductions up to 70%

Where Can I Find a Lights CRI?

Most LED lighting manufacturers display the CRI on the front of the box or the back where they highlight different key measures including lumens, life hours and color temperature. The example below shows common packaging for an LED light and where you would find the CRI. 

What Light Source Should I Use to Increase My CRI? 

Natural light will always be the most ideal source to ensure the colors of your product are represented properly but unfortunately, many spaces do not have that luxury! LED lighting is a great option for any facility because it is more energy-efficient than other light sources and offers high CRI options. High CRI LED lighting can greatly increase the attractiveness of your products while saving you money at the same time!